Friday, 1 May 2015

GIG Trip Part 2 - Samye-Ling

22nd April 2015
Samye-Ling is a monastery and international centre of Buddhist training, known for the authenticity of its teaching and tradition. It offers instruction in Buddhist philosophy and meditation and is a centre for the preservation of Tibetan religion, culture, medicine, art, architecture and handicrafts. The centre is in a peaceful valley on the banks of the River Esk, in Eskdalemuir, Scotland and was the first to be established in the West.There is a residential community of about 60 people, both monastic and lay volunteers. You are not required to be a Buddhist to live here, but residents are expected to live according to the Five Golden Rules. Courses are frequently run at the centre.
Prayer flags are a Tibetan tradition

Day visitors are very welcome at Samye-Ling at any time of the year. You can wander around the grounds and visit the tea room and shop.

Statue of Buddhist Master

Prayer wheels

Liberation Gate

Guru Rinpoche
 Visitors are also allowed to enter the Temple. You need to remove shoes and observe silence while inside.

The Temple
Inside, the Temple is beautiful but very peaceful.

Everyone really enjoyed their visit to Samye-Ling and the journey home from Eskdalemuir was a real treat with bright yellow gorse on the hills and lambs in the fields.
A big thankyou to Keith for being our driver on the day.