Well our new
greenhouse is well and truly in use now. We have a good range of plants in
various stages of growth. Some are ready for planting out but the chilly nights
recently have made us hold back for a little longer. There was even ice on our water
feature the other morning.
I’m sure everyone’s gardens are looking grand after the attention they have probably been receiving. Some of our plants are doing really well this year – the iris for instance are full of big buds having enjoyed the full sun - can’t wait to see them burst open. The spring bulbs were a picture this year too.
Clear nights have led to some good star gazing recently. I know some people saw the Starlink satellites passing over last month. Did you?
The planet Venus has been very bright in the evening sky recently and easily visible. Venus is the second planet from the sun, and is Earth's closest neighbour in the solar system. It is the brightest object in the sky after the Sun and the Moon, and sometimes looks like a bright star in the sky. Venus lies within Earth's orbit, and so never seems to be far from the Sun, either setting in the west after dusk or rising in the east just before dawn. Photo from Daily Mail.
The ISS is due to be in range again too.
Here are the times for the next few days if you have a clear night to see it!
It usually heads from Criffel towards the Solway. This photo from 2011.
May 10.04pm & 11.39pm
May 10.52pm
May 10.05pm & 11.40pm
May 10.52pm
May 10.04pm& 11.41pm
May 10.53pm
Keep safe everyone 🌞