Despite meetings having been cancelled for the foreseeable future the committee have decided that we would like to keep in touch with all our members during this difficult time. We will be sending out Emails and adding to our Facebook page at regular intervals but this blog gives us the opportunity to offer more information, news and activities.
Are you a reader? Did you know that, in
D&G, you can download books on your phone/computer/kindle etc to read while
libraries are closed.
Go to and follow the instructions (which are fairly
You can also download magazines too – go to and follow the instructions.
Temporary Library membership for
libraries in Cumbria.
Despite buildings being closed,
Cumbria Libraries are still there for you online too. They have some fabulous -
and free - eServices.
If you are not currently a library
member and would like to join so that you can access their online offer, they
can provide a temporary membership which will let you use a wide range of
online services including ebooks, eaudiobooks, digital magazines, comics and
If you already have full library
membership these services are automatically included so you do not need to
re-join. (If you are already a member and can't remember your card number and
PIN, contact:
From there click Log In, complete the form and submit it. You will then be Emailed your temporary membership number, and you can access their digital library services.
Member Liz suggested a site that may be worth a visit.
Go to
They have a huge range of webcams based all over the world with some
fascinating sites.
Liz has been watching the Panama Fruit Feeder cam and tells me it is
quite addictive!
I had a look at several of them and can see how this could happen.
(The underwater aquarium camera at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long
Beach, California, known as the Blue Cavern is very soothing to watch. We used
to keep tropical fish and always found it fascinating to watch our tank, but I
understand if it does not appeal to others!)
Morrisons boxes
Have you heard that Morrisons are offering boxes of essential items for £35 (inc delivery) that should feed 2 adults for 1 week? They can deliver to customers' homes - via DPD. This is not Morrisons on-line shopping but an addition to their home delivery service. We finally managed to get a box this week and this is what we got:- bread, butter, 2 tins soup, baked beans, bacon, sausages, chicken fillets, lean mince, packet of microwaveable long grain rice, pot of pasta sauce, Cravendale milk, pasta, kitchen towels, toilet rolls, carrots, onions, potatoes, peppers, broccoli, cheese and sliced ham.
Well done to those of you who applauded the NHS on Thursday evening. They are worth all the support we can give them, as are the other key workers doing vital jobs at this time.
Peter sends you a word search of members' names just in case you have nothing to do.

Just to finish we had a Tree Bumble Bee in the garden this afternoon - presumably looking for somewhere to make a nest. Keep safe everyone.