Friday, 27 March 2020

Newsletter 1 27th March 2020

Despite meetings having been cancelled for the foreseeable future the committee have decided that we would like to keep in touch with all our members during this difficult time. We will be sending out Emails and adding to our Facebook page at regular intervals but this blog gives us the opportunity to offer more information, news and activities.

April meeting
Although Andrew Emmerson will be unable to join us at our next meeting we thought you might like to still know a little about Solway Spirits. Andrew is the owner and distiller at Solway Spirits and with his partner Kate they take care of each and every bottle, from distilling to packaging.
They are a small batch craft distillery located in South West Scotland, using British suppliers whenever possible for the highest quality ingredients.They use a blend of botanicals, juniper, coriander, orris root, angelica, orange peel, liquorice root and a few others which they forage locally.
Everything produced is bottled and labelled by hand. The variety of gins produced is huge –rhubarb crumble, sticky toffee, strawberries & cream, turkish delight and treacle toffee to mention just a few, as well as their classic gin. 

Andrew did promise to bring samples for everyone to try, so we will definitely be asking them back!

Can you find the almost 70 Beatles songs that are represented in this picture?

Sorry we do not have all the answers but if you want to Email us your answers we will share them with others.

News on Keith & Margaret on their world voyage
They have now left Durban after refuelling and resupplying and are on route to Southampton, via Tenerife - where they will also refuel & resupply. They are due to be in Southampton on 12th April.

Webcam footage
WWT Caerlaverock have a webcam that will show live images of the Whooper Pond during the day and after 5pm will switch to badgercam.
Click here to go to the webcam.

During the current crisis did you know that from 30th March 2020, MOT due dates for cars, motorcycles and light vans will be extended by 6 months. This is being done to help prevent the spread of coronavirus.
Please note there is separate guidance about what to do if your MOT due date is up to and including 29th March 2020. Click here to go to the website.

Something more cheerful now - Spring seems to have arrived! We have seen birds flying around with twigs in their mouths, bees buzzing in flowering bushes and even butterflies.

The weather this last week has brought on so many plants in the garden we thought we would share a few with you.

Seeing them certainly cheers us up. We hope they cheer you up too.
Keep safe everyone.

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